<<Unit 14 Process>>

<Working with words>

Introductory Questions

  • Are you good at recycling?
  • What do you recycle yourself?
  • What things do you throw away that you should recycle?
  • How can you personally reduce waste?
  • Have you been to other countries where recycling is much better or worse than in Switzerland?



Write a short text about the Swiss waste management. Include the following topics:

  • Why should we recyle our waste? 3–5 reasons
  • What are the main characteristics of the Swiss waste management?
  • How does it work? Describe the process.
  • What kind of waste is recycled?
  • What companies in Switzerland collect waste for recycling? 3–5 names of the companies

Add pictures, logos and charts. Include a footer with your name, class and date.

<Language at work>

Energy sources

<Practically Speaking>

How to explain a process

Describe the process of glass recycling in 7 steps. Write about 150 words. Divide your text into paragraphs.


Writing tips:

  • Write 7 simple sentences describing the 7 main steps.
  • Use the passive voice.
  • Start your description with an introduction (The diagramm shows / illustrates / outlines / depicts ...)
  • Use a variety of linking words (first, later, then, thus, once, ...).
  • Use advanced liking sentences (synonyms, -ing particitples,
  • Add descriptive adjectives.
  • Increase your 7 basic sentences gradually (up to about 150 words)! This is the most important step.
  • Always finish with an overall a statement about the process (e.g. Overall, we can see that the process involves ...)

The process of making leather (in different text versions)

Making leather_describing a process.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 183.7 KB

The process of glass recycling

About advanced linking techniques...


 Work on your text and make it sound better!!!! Avoid the repetition of linking words at the start of every sentence. Increase your amount of words.


Try to

  • use linking words in the middle of the sentence (where, after which, followed by, during, once)
  • use past participles
  • combine sentences.


This is a way too simple, mechanical version:


The skin is dried. Then it is taken to a factory. In the factory it is washed in water and lime, then soaked in lime and flattened and submerged in tannin. After that it is polished and taken to another factory. In the factory it is turned into leather goods.


 This is a better version:

  In the initial stages of the process, the skin is dried before being taken to a factory where it undergoes two treatments. Firstly it is washed with water and lime, followed by a soak in lime and then flattened, after which it is submerged in tannin.

The last stage involves polishing the leather with a roller. The pieces are subsequently transported to a processing factory where they are made into a number of items in preparation for shipping.

<Talking Point>

Definition of Lean Management

Lean management is an approach to managing an organization that supports the concept of continuous improvement, a long-term approach to work that systematically seeks to achieve small, incremental changes in processes in order to improve efficiency and quality.


7–Step Process

  1. Create a personal Kanban.
  2. Brainstorm topics.
  3. Sell your topic with 2–3 introductory sentences.
  4. Vote on the topics (3 votes).
  5. Discuss a topic for 10 minutes.
  6. Take a vote
    1. discuss more
    2. move on to the next topic (discussed/done)
  7. Lock in the learning
    1. My takeaway / That is what I learnt from it! / This is worth remembering!