<<Unit 11>>

<Starting point>

Fast Decisions.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 102.2 KB
Would You Rather Questions.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 212.7 KB

What is your decision style?

The General Decision-Making Style (GDMS) test is a psychological instrument developed by Scott and Bruce for two reasons:

1) Their goal was to typify individual differences in decision-making habits and practices, in the domain of career development and vocational behavior studies.

2) The model also emerged inductively out of research plus reviews of the relevant literature, and was subsequently supported by further empirical studies and independent factor analyses. In a sense the model “suggested itself” (Scott & Bruce, 1995).

In their conception, decision-making style is a learned habitual response, resulting in “a habit-based propensity to react a certain way in a specific decision context.” It has been found that people use more than one decision-making style, but one is dominant.


The GDMS underwent a cycle or validation and revision, resulting in the following four decision-making styles:

P – Spontaneous: Sense of immediacy and persistent desire to always finalize decisions as quickly as possible.
A – Rational: comprehensive info search, explicit inventory of alternatives and logical evaluation of options.
E – Intuitive: Alerted by salient details in the flow of information rather than following systematic procedures, more reliance on implicit learning and tacit awareness (“hunches” or “feelings”) as a basis for decisions.
I – Dependent: Resolves uncertainty through consultation, more interested in advice and guidance from others than other styles are.



General Decision Making Style Questionnaire
General Decision Making Style Questionna
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 276.3 KB

What is your style?



Back in 2013, Dan Lovallo and Olivier Sibony authored a study based on 5,000 survey responses from the McKinsey Quarterly and the Harvard Business Review, identifying five techniques which they called

  • Catalyst
  • Adaptor
  • Guardian
  • Motivator
  • Visionary

The diametrically opposed spectrum of six items are:


1.       Process


  1. Committed to a rule-set—everything must conform to policy;
  2. Design the process on-the-fly—be highly adaptable;


2.       Tendency


  1. Quick decisions and immediate actions preferred;
  2. Thoughtful examination—consider all the possibilities;


3.       Information Gathering


  1. Cast a wide net—learn everything you can;
  2. Each situation is unique—demand pinpoint focus;


4.       Interest Priority


  1. Company must be the main benefactor of the decision;
  2. A decision must make the decision-maker look good;


5.       Action Potential


  1. Status quo must be maintained;
  2. Evolution is the ultimate goal;


6.       Persuasion Style


  1. Facts rule;
  2. Prophecy and potential chart the future path.




How good is your decision-making?

Find it out with this tool: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTED_79.htm


<Working with words>

<Language at work>

First and second conditionals

IF YOU WERE A SAILBOAT by Katie Malua.pd
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 32.1 KB





Type 1









Type 2









Type 3













































If or when

If not and unless

<Practically speaking>

How to use «if»

  • giving advice: If I were you, ...
  • suggesting: What if we go ...
  • wishing: If I could only ...
  • making a request: If you don't mind, I would ...

<Business communication>

Sell me this pen!


Adobe Acrobat Dokument 9.3 KB


Adobe Acrobat Dokument 103.7 KB
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 134.7 KB
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<Talking point>

The Decision Game, p. 77


Business Result Unit 11.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 61.4 KB